B2B Branding & Marketing by Bejoy Peter
With an experience of over 20 years, I help engineering and manufacturing companies implement modern marketing programs that deliver meaningful business outcomes through definitive brand strategy, marketing automation, and lead generation systems, transforming their digital footprint - globally! Write to me at bejoy@VisionKraft.com to engage further...
B2B Branding & Marketing by Bejoy Peter
Understanding CRM's & Managing Business Relations | In Conversation with Agrim Yog
Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. The goal is simple: Improve business relationships. A CRM system helps companies stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.
When people talk about CRM, they are usually referring to a CRM system, a tool that helps with contact management, sales management, productivity, and more.
A CRM solution helps you focus on your organisation’s relationships with individual people — including customers, service users, colleagues, or suppliers — throughout your lifecycle with them, including finding new customers, winning their business, and providing support and additional services throughout the relationship.
Thanks for tuning in to our podcast today! We hope you enjoyed the conversation. If you have any questions, comments, or would like to engage further, feel free to reach out to Bejoy Peter. You can write to him at bejoy@visionkraft.com or give him a call at +919850555795.
We appreciate your support and look forward to hearing from you. Until next time, take care and keep exploring!